Physalis and the Ponds Panic at Prêle Pond

Jeu En Famille Enigme Au Bord De L EtangJeu En Famille Enigme Au Bord De L Etang
©Jeu En Famille Enigme Au Bord de L'étang|Aurélien Levy - Aurelphotog

Physalis and the Ponds
The new puzzle game at the edge of Prêle Pond in Valeins.

Enjoy a great family adventure and help Physalis uncover the threat lurking around her pond!
A 1.5-hour puzzle game for ages 6 and up, available for €10 at the Châtillon-sur-Chalaronne Tourist Office.

PNG Martin PecheurMartin Pecheur
©Physalis jeu enigme

Help Physalis Save Her Pond!

Your mission is simple: thanks to the different panels installed around Prêle Pond, find the clues to solve the puzzles and help Physalis save her pond and the fish that live there.

To accomplish this mission, you just need to get the game available at the Châtillon-sur-Chalaronne Tourist Office.
(Opening hours: Tuesday to Friday from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm and from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm, Saturday from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm, and Sunday, from June to September, from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm).
One bag per family is enough. Be playful, agile, observant, and ingenious to fully enjoy this adventure!

Once the bag is purchased (€10), simply go to the edge of Prêle Pond in Valeins and read the game instructions.

Ideal: plan a picnic or snack break during your adventure, picnic tables are installed near the pond.

A Danger Threatens the Ponds…

Physalis has returned from her grand journey around the world. Very impressed by her bravery and courage, the king rewards her with a pond, not far from Châtillon-sur-Chalaronne, in her native Dombes. She decides to call it Prêle Pond, after an aquatic plant she particularly likes.

One day, she receives a letter announcing that a great danger threatens her pond, as well as the other ponds of the Dombes…


Since your grand journey, attention has turned to the principality of the Dombes, our land of a thousand ponds.

Unfortunately, many peddlers claim that the ponds are responsible for deadly diseases and want to drain them.

I must warn you, Physalis, a large-scale plot is being hatched, aiming to drain the Dombes!

A new threat, discreet but no less dangerous, has been introduced to pierce and drain all the ponds in our beautiful Dombes!

Personally, I consider the ponds as an invaluable refuge for the biodiversity of fauna and flora, and I see you as the only one capable of thwarting this plot.


Hurry, uncover this threat and save your pond.


A friend.

She Can Only Count on You!

Physalis immediately goes to her pond and, oh no!
Prêle Pond is draining!

The water level has dropped significantly.
Water is flowing out through a gaping hole, and the survival of the fish is at risk!


It’s your turn, can you help Physalis save her pond and uncover the culprit?

Head to the Châtillon-sur-Chalaronne Tourist Office to get the game bag!

We Love

Discover Prêle Pond
Play as a Family
Affordable Price

How to Experience This Adventure ?

Dombes Tourisme

Place du Champ de Foire 01400 Châtillon-sur-Chalaronne

Nous contacter par mail

Contacter l’office : 04 74 55 02 27 


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