Observation des OiseauxObservation des oiseaux à la longue-vue dans un observatoire
©Observation des oiseaux à la longue-vue dans un observatoire|Claire Curt

Observatories in the Dombes

Birdwatching spots

It can be challenging to know which pond to visit for birdwatching in the Dombes. Most of the 1200 ponds are private property, so it is not always easy to know where to go to enjoy and discover the many species that inhabit the Dombes.

Fortunately, several observatories have been created in the Dombes.
Today, these are places devoted entirely to the observation and discovery of birds.

These observatories are on 5 ponds classified as Sensitive Natural Areas of the Dombes and are accessible 24/7.


Observation à l'Etang PreleObservation à l'Etang Prele
©Observation à l'Etang Prele|Carine Montet

Where to Observe Birds in the Dombes?

Where to Find Observatories in the Dombes?

Walking Routes to the Observatories

Are you looking for hiking trails by the ponds of the Dombes?
Here are 4 routes that will take you to the observatories!
