Walking Route in Dombes

From the village of Chaneins, set off to discover the Sensitive Natural Area of Prêle Pond and its ecosystem. Several castles, including Chaillouvres at the edge of the pond, are visible, offering a panoramic view of the Beaujolais.

Two picnic tables are available near Prêle Pond.

Circuit of Chaneins Accessible by Mountain Bike

14.5 km Walk
The departure is from the Bascule square in Chaneins.

Stage 1
Exit the parking lot and turn left onto Grande Rue. In front of the town hall, turn right onto Rue Cesseins. Then take the second street on the left, Place de l’Église, return to Rue des Verchères and continue to the intersection with Rue du Chabian. Follow this, which becomes Allée des Sports. At the intersection, turn left onto Chemin de Servinges. At the next intersection, follow this street to the right and continue straight. Cross the Route de Saint-Trivier (D66B) and continue on the dirt road.

Stage 2
At the Champ Famin post, head towards Château de Chaillouvres, then at the next crossroads turn left, taking Chemin de l’Étang. Pass through the hamlet of Chaillouvres and follow the left dirt road along the pond with a view of the castle. Continue straight until you reach the main road.

14.5 km Walk
The departure is from the Bascule square in Chaneins.

Stage 1
Exit the parking lot and turn left onto Grande Rue. In front of the town hall, turn right onto Rue Cesseins. Then take the second street on the left, Place de l’Église, return to Rue des Verchères and continue to the intersection with Rue du Chabian. Follow this, which becomes Allée des Sports. At the intersection, turn left onto Chemin de Servinges. At the next intersection, follow this street to the right and continue straight. Cross the Route de Saint-Trivier (D66B) and continue on the dirt road.

Stage 2
At the Champ Famin post, head towards Château de Chaillouvres, then at the next crossroads turn left, taking Chemin de l’Étang. Pass through the hamlet of Chaillouvres and follow the left dirt road along the pond with a view of the castle. Continue straight until you reach the main road.

Stage 5
At the Les Manettes post, turn right and continue on this road (Route de Peyzieux). Cross the TGV line on the bridge, then about 100m further, turn left onto the dirt road. Continue to the Bois des Vavres post. Turn left towards “Étang de Beybleu”. Follow this road to the D17, cross it, and continue. Cross the Calonne River and arrive at the intersection with Chemin du Merle, Beybleu post.

Stage 6
Turn left onto Chemin du Merle to the next intersection. Turn left onto Route de Beybleu and continue for about 1.5 km, ignoring the various dirt roads that branch off to the left or right. Pass under the TGV line through the tunnel. Then take the path that circles the pond and arrive at Rue de Cesseins. Follow this road back to the starting point.

The Walking Route

Starting Point

La Bascule à Chaneins


14,5 km

Approximate Time



Difficult – 53% paved

By the Prêle Pond à Valeins
