13.3 km walk
Starting from the parking lot of the Abbey of Notre-Dame des Dombes
Step 1
Facing the abbey, turn left. At the Abbaye Notre-Dame des Dombes post, continue straight towards La Forêt. Walk along the abbey and its farm, continue for about 1 km. Turn right and continue. Just before the woods, take the dirt road to the left and walk along the Étang des Roussières.
Step 2
Upon reaching the paved road (Route de la Chapelle), turn right and follow this road for about 500 meters. Take the path on the left to reach the Étang des Chênes. Walk around this pond by going straight, then at the directional post (Étang des Chênes East) turn right towards Abbaye Notre-Dame des Dombes 3.9 km. Take the paved road in the opposite direction, and instead of taking the dirt path, continue straight to the place called La Chapelle.
Step 3
Continue straight to the departmental road (D90), cross it and continue to the place called La Carronnière. Turn left and walk along the Étangs Pervetière and Petites Bonnes to the D90.
Step 4
Turn right and follow the departmental road for about 300 meters, then take the small road to the left. Follow this road to the place called Corey. Turn right and continue straight.
At the Pré Saint-Joseph post, turn left towards Abbaye Notre-Dame des Dombes and return to the starting point.