Balade à pied dans la DombesUne famille sur un sentier de randonnée dans la Dombes
©Balade dans la Dombes |PIERRE JAYET

The Dombes a walker's heaven

Close to the ViaRhôna and Voie Bleue cycle paths, the Dombes is also a great region for cycling, walking and horse-riding! It’s up to you to choose your itinerary and means of transport…

Hiking in Dombes Top 10 routes

10 hikes to discover in Châtillon – Ars/Trévoux – Miribel – Montluel

At the gateway to Lyon, between the Voie Bleue and ViaRhôna cycle paths, the Dombes, land of a thousand ponds, welcomes you for family-friendly walks.
Discover the diversity of our landscapes and the joys of a nature getaway.

Find all the walking trails in the Ain department on the Ain Outdoor application.

A selection of walks  Just for you

Walking in the Dombes

Breathe deeply, you’re in the Dombes

The Dombes, land of a thousand ponds, can be imagined as a festival of colors, scents and sounds. The deep blue of the water contrasts with the multiple greens of the vegetation. The intermittent concert of frogs is accompanied by the songs of wild birds. Stop for a moment and watch the ballet of birds on the calm waters of the ponds. Perhaps the grey heron that reigns here will honor you with its presence!

So, what could be better than a gentle stroll to explore the Dombes at a leisurely pace?


Walks in the Dombes of more than 10 km

Cycling Between Villars-les-Dombes and Châtillon-sur-Chalaronne
