Loris arc en ciel au Parc des OiseauxLoris arc en ciel au Parc des Oiseaux de Villars les Dombes
Parc des oiseaux de Villars les Dombes|Michael Zeilfelder

The Dombes  and its must-sees

To make your stay in the Dombes as easy as possible, we’ve put together a list of must-see places for first-time visitors. In addition to the Bird Park in Villars-les-Dombes, the characterful villages of Châtillon-sur-Chalaronne, Trévoux and Ars-sur-Formans are well worth a visit. Discover emblematic Dombes architecture at the Notre-Dame des Dombes Abbey… Put on your sneakers, the Dombes is yours! Depending on whether you come in spring or summer, autumn or winter, you won’t have the same experience……
